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Writer's pictureAshley Mack

Ideology & Hegemony

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

Ideology is…

…the study of “how people come to invest in their own unhappiness.”

– Terry Eagleton, in Ideology: An Introduction

 “…a generative metric that regulates the relationship between visible and non-visible, between imaginable and non-imaginable, as well as the changes in this relationship.”

– Slavoj Zizek in Mapping Ideology


In the final decades of the twentieth century, rhetorical, media, and cultural studies scholars became increasingly concerned with the relationship between discourse, culture, and ideology. The study of ideology is the study of the production of common sense in social and political life, and the relationship of this production to the maintenance of power and hegemony. Ideological discourses work to produce investments in systems of power and hierarchy (for example, White supremacy, capitalism, global imperialism, cisheteropatriarchy, etc…). Ideological discourses are circulated through discursive practices such as media, texts, performances, culture industries, and other aspects of public and everyday life. Studying ideology allows critics to trace how power systems are rationalized or challenged symbolically.

This course explores the different theoretical conceptions of ideology and their deployment as resources in the analysis of discourses and culture in contemporary scholarship. We will examine key concepts in the study of ideology including human agency, consciousness, articulation, contradiction, representation, the culture industry, conjuncture, hegemony, hierarchy, power, domination/oppression, and social imaginaries.


  1. Understand the history of the study of ideology and hegemony;

  2. Understand the ways in which various debates within cultural studies and critical rhetorical studies shaped how the critical practices have emerged;

  3. Appreciate the role of cultural studies and critical studies in the field of media, rhetoric, and communication studies;

  4. Operationalize critical theories in the service of analyzing media and culture; and,

  5. Produce high quality scholarship suitable for publication.


  • Media and Cultural Studies Keyworks

  • Stuart Hall’s Cultural Studies 1983: A Theoretical History

  • Other required readings are available electronically.

Recommended Books

  • Eagleton, Terry. Ideology: An Introduction, new edition (London: Verso, 2007). ISBN-13: 9781844671434


Short Responses (2 at 15 points each): Two times during the semester you will turn in a short (4-6 pages) paper. This can be a short piece of ideological criticism or a theoretical essay engaging a specific theoretical conversation we have explored.

Final Essay (40 points): In this course, you will write a final seminar paper (15-20 pages) performing an ideological criticism. You must identify a discrete text or set of texts to analyze. Strong criticism is convincing, provocative, driven by curiosity, and suggestive of broader insights into the nature of rhetoric. A successful essay will be suitable for conference submission with zero or minimal revision and, ultimately, journal submission. Co-authorship is allowed as long as both partners confirm that they equally worked on the project.  

Topic Proposal (part of final essay) This 2-3 page essay should briefly describe your artifact for your final essay and make a case for its relevance as an object of criticism.

Show and Tell (15 points): Each class period you will be required to come to class with some example that illustrates a theoretical tension or concept(s) in the reading(s) for that week. Please come prepared to present the artifact and provide one or two questions during the second half of the seminar. The questions should be designed to propel class in engaged and focused discussion of the readings for that week. However, the discussion questions should be focused on theoretical investigation or the application of the theories to the artifact or example.

Minutes (5 points) For the sake of continuity, one enrolled participant will provide a summary of the previous week’s class at the beginning of every seminar (I will distribute a sign-up sheet on the first day of class). While this need not be an exhaustive regurgitation of all that was said and done, it should provide sufficient set-up for the proceeding discussion. A good minute-taker will take especially rigorous notes the wee prior and describe highlights from the opening discussion/lecture, as well as the response paper presentations and ensuing discussion.

Participation (10 points) The ideal seminar, in my view, entails robust discussion. We learn best when we play off of each other’s ideas, challenge each other, and even think out loud in order to work out a difficult concept. That said, participation also includes work and communication outside the classroom. It is my hope that the expectation of strong participation goes without saying in a graduate seminar setting.


Media and Cultural Studies Keyworks textbook marked as MCSK

Unit 1: Ideology, Hegemony, & Cultural Marxism

  • MSCK ix-88

  • Jameson, Fredric. "Reification and Utopia in Mass Culture." Social Text, no. 1, 1979, pp. 130-148, doi:10.2307/466409.

Unit 2: Cultural Studies

Required Reading:

  • Hall, Stuart. Cultural Studies 1983: A Theoretical History.Duke University Press, 2016.

  • Hall, Stuart. "Gramsci's Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity." Journal of Communication Inquiry, vol. 10, no. 2, 1986, pp. 5-27, doi:10.1177/019685998601000202.

  • Hall, Stuart. “THE NEO-LIBERAL REVOLUTION.” Cultural Studies, 25:6, 2011, 705-728.

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Hall, Stuart. "Signification, Representation, Ideology: Althusser and the Post‐Structuralist Debates." Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol. 2, no. 2, 1985, pp. 91-114, doi:10.1080/15295038509360070.

  • Hall, Stuart. "The Problem of Ideology-Marxism without Guarantees." Journal of Communication Inquiry, vol. 10, no. 2, 1986, pp. 28-44, doi:10.1177/019685998601000203.

Unit 3: The Critical Turn in Communication Studies

Required Reading:

  • Michael Calvin McGee (1980) The “ideograph”: A link between rhetoric and ideology, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 66:1, 1-16, DOI: 10.1080/00335638009383499

  • Philip Wander, (1984) "The Third Persona: An Ideological Turn in Rhetorical Theory." Central States Speech Journal, vol. 35, no. Winter, pp. 197-216.

  • Raymie E. Mckerrow (1989) Critical rhetoric: Theory and praxis, Communications Monographs, 56:2, 91-111, DOI: 10.1080/03637758909390253

  • Herman Gray (1989) "Television, Black Americans, and the American Dream." Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 376-386, doi:10.1080/15295038909366763.

  • Kent A. Ono & John M. Sloop (1992) Commitment to telos—a sustained critical rhetoric, Communications Monographs, 59:1, 48-60, DOI: 10.1080/03637759209376248

  • Raka Shome, (1996) "Postcolonial Interventions in the Rhetorical Canon: An “Other” View." Communication Theory, 6:1, 40-59.

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Cloud, D. L. (1994). The materiality of discourse as oxymoron: A challenge to critical rhetoric. Western Journal of Communication, 58(3), 141–163.

  • Condit, Celeste Michelle. "Hegemony in a Mass‐Mediated Society: Concordance About Reproductive Technologies." Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol. 11, no. 3, 1994, pp. 205-230, doi:10.1080/15295039409366899.

  • Dana L. Cloud (1996) Hegemony or concordance? The rhetoric of tokenism in “Oprah” Oprah rags‐to‐riches biography, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 13:2, 115-137, DOI: 10.1080/15295039609366967

  • Carole Blair, Julie R. Brown & Leslie A. Baxter (1994) Disciplining the feminine, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 80:4, 383-409, DOI: 10.1080/00335639409384084

  • Celeste Michelle Condit (1987) Crafting virtue: The rhetorical construction of public morality, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 73:1, 79-97, DOI: 10.1080/00335638709383795

  • Maurice Charland (1987) Constitutive rhetoric: The case of the peuple québécois , Quarterly Journal of Speech, 73:2, 133-150, DOI: 10.1080/00335638709383799

  • Arif Dirlik, (1994) "The Postcolonial Aura: Third World Criticism in the Age of Global Capitalism." Critical Inquiry, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 328-356, doi:

Unit 4: Propoganda & Nationalism

Required Reading:

  • MCSK Chomsky A Propoganda Model

  • Deepa Kumar (2006) Media, War, and Propaganda: Strategies of Information Management During the 2003 Iraq War, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 3:1, 48-69, DOI: 10.1080/14791420500505650

  • Dana L. Cloud (2004) “To veil the threat of terror”: Afghan women and the ⟨clash of civilizations⟨in the imagery of the U.S. war on terrorism, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 90:3, 285-306, DOI: 10.1080/0033563042000270726

  • Kundai Chirindo (2018) Micronations and Postnational Rhetorics, Women's Studies in Communication, 41:4, 383-393, DOI: 10.1080/07491409.2018.1551686

  • William O. Saas, & Rachel Hall. (2016). Restive Peace: Body Bags, Casket Flags, and the Pathologization of Dissent, (2), 177.

  • Lisa A. Flores (2003) Constructing Rhetorical Borders: Peons, Illegal Aliens, and Competing Narratives of Immigration, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 20:4, 362-387, DOI: 10.1080/0739318032000142025

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Randall L. Bytwerk (2005) The Argument for Genocide in Nazi Propaganda, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 91:1, 37-62, DOI: 10.1080/00335630500157516

  • Casey Kelly (2012) Neocolonialism and the Global Prison in National Geographic's Locked Up Abroad, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 29:4, 331-347, DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2011.645843

  • Sheng Zou (2019) When nationalism meets hip-hop: aestheticized politics of ideotainment in China, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14791420.2019.1637008

  • Bernadette Marie Calafell & Fernando P. Delgado (2004) Reading Latina/o images: interrogating Americanos, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 21:1, 1-24, DOI: 10.1080/0739318042000184370

  • Josh Greenberg & Graham Knight (2004) Framing sweatshops: Nike, global production, and the American news media, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 1:2, 151-175, DOI: 10.1080/14791420410001685368

Unit 5: US Law

Required Reading:

  • April Petillo (2018) Marking Embodied Borders: Compulsory Settler Sexuality, Indigeneity, and U.S. Law, Women's Studies in Communication, 41:4, 329-334, DOI: 10.1080/07491409.2018.1544013

  • Craig Rood (2018) “Our tears are not enough”: The warrant of the dead in the rhetoric of gun control, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 104:1, 47-70, DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2017.1401223

  • Anjali Vats, (2016). Marking Disidentification: Race, Corporeality, and Resistance in Trademark Law. Southern Communication Journal, 81(4), 237–251.

  • Chávez, K., Nair, Y., & Conrad, R. (2015). Equality, Sameness, Difference: Revisiting the Equal Rights Amendment. Women's Studies Quarterly, 43(3/4), 272-276. Retrieved from

  • Erin J. Rand (2019) PROTECTing the figure of innocence: child pornography legislation and the queerness of childhood, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 105:3, 251-272, DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2019.1629001

  • Isaac West, (2011). What’s the matter with Kansas and New York City? Definitional Ruptures and the Politics of Sex. Argumentation and Advocacy, 47(Winter), 163-177.

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Jeffrey A. Bennett (2018) Containing Sotomayor: Rhetorics of personal restraint, judicial prudence, and diabetes management, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 104:3, 257-278, DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2018.1486033

Unit 6: Public Memory

Required Reading:

  • Charles E. Morris III (2013) Sunder the Children: Abraham Lincoln's Queer Rhetorical Pedagogy, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 99:4, 395-422, DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2013.836281

  • Kristen Hoerl (2009) Burning Mississippi into Memory? Cinematic Amnesia as a Resource for Remembering Civil Rights, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 26:1, 54-79, DOI: 10.1080/15295030802684059

  • Michael G. Lacy (2010) White Innocence Heroes: Recovery, Reversals, Paternalism, and David Duke, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 3:3, 206-227, DOI: 10.1080/17513057.2010.487221

  • Daniel C. Brouwer & Linda Diane Horwitz (2015) The Cultural Politics of Progenic Auschwitz Tattoos: 157622, A-15510, 4559, ... , Quarterly Journal of Speech, 101:3, 534-558, DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2015.1056748

  • Angharad N. Valdivia (2013) Amnesia and the Myth of Discovery: Lessons from Transnational and Women of Color Communication Scholars, Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies, 10:2-3, 329-332, DOI: 10.1080/14791420.2013.812599

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Valerie Palmer-Mehta (2016) A “suitably dead” woman: Grieving Andrea Dworkin, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 13:3, 287-304, DOI: 10.1080/14791420.2015.1119291

  • Dana L. Cloud. (1999). The Null Persona: Race and the Rhetoric of Silence in the Uprising of ’34. Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 2(2), 177.

  • Matthew deTar (2016) Absence of the present: the reburial of Adnan Menderes and the condition of possibility of public memory in Turkey, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 13:1, 93-108, DOI: 10.1080/14791420.2015.1062529

  • Kristen Hoerl (2012) Selective Amnesia and Racial Transcendence in News Coverage of President Obama's Inauguration, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 98:2, 178-202, DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2012.663499

  • Kristen Hoerl (2007) Mario Van Peebles's Panther and Popular Memories of the Black Panther Party, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 24:3, 206-227, DOI: 10.1080/07393180701520900

Unit 7: Racialization & Racial Rhetorical Criticism

Required Reading:

  • Thomas K. Nakayama & Robert L. Krizek (1995) Whiteness: A strategic rhetoric, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 81:3, 291-309, DOI: 10.1080/00335639509384117

  • Flores, L. A. (2016). Between abundance and marginalization: the imperative of racial rhetorical criticism. Review of Communication, 16(1), 4-24. doi:10.1080/15358593.2016.1183871

  • Matthew Houdek (2018) Racial sedimentation and the common sense of racialized violence: The case of black church burnings, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 104:3, 279-306, DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2018.1486035

  • David C. Oh (2012) Black-Yellow Fences: Multicultural Boundaries and Whiteness in the Rush Hour Franchise, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 29:5, 349-366, DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2012.697634

  • Bernadette Marie Calafell & Kendall R. Phillips (2019) Disciplining the Devil: a rhetorical history of Tod Browning’s The Devil Doll (1936), Critical Studies in Media Communication, 36:1, 18-34, DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2018.1530446

  • Anjali Vats & LeiLani Nishime (2013) Containment as Neocolonial Visual Rhetoric: Fashion, Yellowface, and Karl Lagerfeld's “Idea of China”, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 99:4, 423-447, DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2013.833668

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Bryan J. McCann, Proletarian Blackface: Appropriation and Class Struggle in Mike Judge's Office Space, Communication, Culture and Critique, Volume 9, Issue 3, 1 September 2016, Pages 362–378.

  • Kelly E. Happe (2013) The Body of Race: Toward a Rhetorical Understanding of Racial Ideology, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 99:2, 131-155.

  • Anjali Vats, Racechange is the New Black: Racial Accessorizing and Racial Tourism in High Fashion as Constraints on Rhetorical Agency, Communication, Culture and Critique, Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 112–135.

  • Enck‐Wanzer, Darrel. "Barack Obama, the Tea Party, and the Threat of Race: On Racial Neoliberalism and Born Again Racism." Communication, Culture & Critique, vol. 4, no. 1, 2011, pp. 23-30.

  • Cristina Mislán, Rokeshia Renné Ashley, Black(er)face and Post-Racialism: Employing Racial Difference and “Progressive” Primitivism Online, Communication, Culture and Critique, Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2018, Pages 247–264.

  • David C. Oh, “Turning Japanese”: Deconstructive Criticism of White Women, the Western Imagination, and Popular Music, Communication, Culture and Critique, Volume 10, Issue 2, 1 June 2017, Pages 365–381.

  • Bell, Katherine M. "“Wildest Dreams”: The Racial Aura of Celebrity Safari." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, vol. 14, no. 4, 2017, pp. 369-384.

  • Leslie J. Harris (2018) Rhetorical mobilities and the city: The white slavery controversy and racialized protection of women in the U.S., Quarterly Journal of Speech, 104:1, 22-46.

  • Casey Ryan Kelly (2011) Blood-Speak: Ward Churchill and the Racialization of American Indian Identity, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 8:3, 240-265.

Unit 8: Representations of Gender & Feminisms

Required Reading:

  • Claire Sisco King (2009) It Cuts Both Ways: Fight Club, Masculinity, and Abject Hegemony, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 6:4, 366 385.

  • David C. Oh (2018) Elder men’s bromance in Asian lands: normative Western masculinity in Better Late than Never, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 35:4, 350-362.

  • Ralina L. Joseph (2009) “Tyra Banks Is Fat”: Reading (Post-)Racism and (Post-)Feminism in the New Millennium, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 26:3, 237-254.

  • Ali Na (2019): #AzizAnsariToo?: Desi Masculinity in America and Performing Funny Cute, Women's Studies in Communication, DOI: 10.1080/07491409.2019.1639573

  • Emily D. Ryalls (2016) Ambivalent aspirationalism in millennial postfeminist culture on Gossip Girl, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 13:2, 198-213.

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Cloud, Dana. (2010) "The Irony Bribe and Reality Television: Investment and Detachment in the Bachelor." Critical Studies in Media Communication, v27: 5, 413-437.

  • Kasey Clawson Hudak (2017) Deceiving or disrupting the pink aisle? GoldieBlox, corporate narratives, and the gendered toy debate, Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies, 14:2, 158-175.

  • Kristen Hoerl & Casey Ryan Kelly (2010) The Post-Nuclear Family and the Depoliticization of Unplanned Pregnancy in Knocked Up, Juno, and Waitress, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 7:4, 360-380.

Unit 9: Queer Critiques

Required Reading:

  • Charles E. Morris III (2002) Pink herring & the fourth persona: J. Edgar Hoover's sex crime panic, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 88:2, 228-244.

  • Dean Spade and Craig Willse. "Sex, Gender, and War in an Age of Multicultural Imperialism." QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, vol. 1, no. 1, 2014, pp. 5-29.

  • Robert McRuer, "Disabling Sex: Notes for a Crip Theory of Sexuality." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian & Gay Studies, vol. 17, no. 11, 2011, pp. 107-117.

  • Scott Lauria Morgenson, "Conditions of Critique: Responding to Indigenous Resurgence within Gender Studies." Transgender Studies Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 1-2, 2016, pp. 192-201.

  • Karma R. Chávez (2010) Border (In)Securities: Normative and Differential Belonging in LGBTQ and Immigrant Rights Discourse, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 7:2, 136-155.

  • Eguchi, S., & Washington, M. (2016). Race-ing queerness: Homonormative intimacies in LOGO’s DTLAJournal of Communication Inquiry, 40(4), 408-423. 

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Eve Ng, A “Post-Gay” Era? Media Gaystreaming, Homonormativity, and the Politics of LGBT Integration, Communication, Culture and Critique, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2013, Pages 258–283.

  • E. Cram (2019) Queer geographies and the rhetoric of orientation, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 105:1, 98-115.

Unit 10: Rethinking Media Environments

Required reading:

  • Raka Shome, When Postcolonial Studies Interrupts Media Studies, Communication, Culture and Critique.

  • Tiara R. Na’puti (2019) Archipelagic rhetoric: remapping the Marianas and challenging militarization from “A Stirring Place”, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 16:1, 4-25.

  • Armond R. Towns (2016) Rebels of the underground: Media, orality, and the routes of black emancipation, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 13:2, 184-197.

  • E. Cram (2016) Archival ambience and sensory memory: Generating queer intimacies in the settler colonial archive, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies.

  • Eric S. Jenkins (2014) The Modes of Visual Rhetoric: Circulating Memes as Expressions, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 100:4, 442-466.

Unit 11: Affect, Fantasies, & Investment

Required reading:

  • Herman Gray, "Race, Media, and the Cultivation of Concern." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, vol. 10, no. 2-3, 2013, pp. 253-258.

  • Eric King Watts (2017) Postracial fantasies, blackness, and zombies, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 14:4, 317-333.

  • Susana Martínez Guillem (2017) Precarious privilege: Indignad@s, daily disidentifications, and cultural (re)production, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 14:3, 238-253.

  • Thomas R. Dunn (2016) Playing Neoliberal Politics: Post-Racial and Post- Racist Strategies in “Same Love”, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 13:3, 269-286.

  • Emily Winderman (2019): Anger’s Volumes: Rhetorics of Amplification and Aggregation in #MeToo, Women's Studies in Communication.

  • Ashley Noel Mack and Bryan J. McCann. "“Strictly an Act of Street Violence”: Intimate Publicity and Affective Divestment in the New Orleans Mother’s Day Shooting." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, vol. 14, no. 4, 2017, pp. 334-350.

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Amanda Nell Edgar & Holly Willson Holladay (2019): “Everybody’s hard times are different”: country as a political investment in white masculine precarity, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies.

  • Lauren Berlant (1997). The queen of America goes to Washington City: Essays on sex and citizenship. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

  • Lauren Berlant (2008). The female complaint: The unfinished business of sentimentality in American culture. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

  • Lauren Berlant and Kathleen Stewart, eds. (2019). The Hundreds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

  • Kathleen Stewart (2007). Ordinary affects. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Unit 12: Mediated Resistance & Fugitivity

Required reading:

  • Campt, Tina Marie. "Black Visuality and the Practice of Refusal." Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, vol. 29, no. 1, 2019, pp. 79-87.

  • Michelle Colpean (2019): Muslim women against FEMEN: Asserting agency in online spaces, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication.

  • Shardé M. Davis (2018) The Aftermath of #BlackGirlsRock vs. #WhiteGirlsRock: Considering the DisRespectability of a Black Women’s Counterpublic, Women's Studies in Communication, 41:3, 269-290.

  • Caitlin Bruce (2015) The Balaclava as Affect Generator: Free Pussy Riot Protests and Transnational Iconicity, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 12:1, 42-62.

  • Cristina Mislán & Sara Shaban (2019) “To Ferguson, Love Palestine”: mediating life under occupation, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 16:1, 43-60.

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Jiyeon Kang (2019) Call for civil inattention: “RaceFail ’09” and counterpublics on the internet, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 105:2, 133-155.

  • Nickie Michaud Wild, “The Mittens of Disapproval Are On”: John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight as Neoliberal Critique, Communication, Culture and Critique.

  • Armond R. Towns (2018) Black “Matter” Lives, Women's Studies in Communication, 41:4, 349-358.

  • Michael Buozis (2017) Giving voice to the accused: Serial and the critical potential of true crime, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 14:3, 254-270.

  • Ross Singer (2011) Anti-Corporate Argument and the Spectacle of the Grotesque Rhetorical Body in Super Size Me, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28:2, 135-152.

Unit 13: Queer Worldmaking

Required reading:

  • Daniel C. Brouwer (2005) Counterpublicity and Corporeality in HIV/AIDS Zines, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 22:5, 351-371.

  • Rawson, K.J. "Transgender Worldmaking in Cyberspace: Historical Activism on the Internet." QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, vol. 1, no. 2, 2014, pp. 38-60.

  • Luis M. Andrade (2019): CAUTION: on the many, unpredictable iterations of a yellow border sign ideograph and migrant/queer world-making, Text and Performance Quarterly.

  • Shadee Abdi & Bernadette Marie Calafell (2017) Queer utopias and a (Feminist) Iranian vampire: a critical analysis of resistive monstrosity in A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 34:4, 358-370.

  • Shinsuke Eguchi & Myra N. Roberts (2015) Gay Rapping and Possibilities: A Quare Reading of “Throw that Boy P***y”, Text and Performance Quarterly, 35:2-3, 142-157.

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Brouwer, Daniel C. and Adela C. Licona. Trans(Affective)Mediation: Feeling Our Way from Paper to Digitized Zines and Back Again." Critical Studies in Media Communication, vol. 33, no. 1, 2016, pp. 70-83.

  • V. Jo Hsu (2019): (Trans)forming #MeToo: Toward a Networked Response to Gender Violence, Women's Studies in Communication.

Unit 14: Delinking & Decolonization

Required reading:

  • Rowe, A. C., & Tuck, E. (2017). Settler Colonialism and Cultural Studies: Ongoing Settlement, Cultural Production, and Resistance. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 17(1), 3–13.

  • Darrel Enck-Wanzer (2012) Decolonizing Imaginaries: Rethinking “the People” in the Young Lords’ Church Offensive, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 98:1, 1-23.

  • Catalina M. de Onís (2018) Fueling and delinking from energy coloniality in Puerto Rico, Journal of Applied Communication Research, 46:5, 535-560, DOI: 10.1080/00909882.2018.1529418

  • Adriana Angel & Luis Miguel López-Londoño (2019) Delinking rhetorics of neoliberalism: An analysis of South American leftist presidents’ speeches, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 12:1, 43-62.

  • Jason Edward Black (2009) Native Resistive Rhetoric and the Decolonization of American Indian Removal Discourse, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 95:1, 66-88.

Non-required, additional reading:

  • Wanzer-Serrano, The New York Young Lords and the Struggle for Liberation

  • Quijano, “Coloniality of Power, Eurocentrism, and Latin America”

  • Walter D. Mignolo (2007). DELINKING: The Rhetoric of Modernity, the Logic of Coloniality, the Grammar of De-coloniality. Cultural Studies, 21(2), 449-514.

  • María Lugones (2007). Heterosexualism and the colonial/modern gender system. Hypatia, 22(1), 186-219

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